Tülay Dikenoğlu Süer graduated the University of Istanbul Bilgi. Where she directed as validation of studies film, the short film : Istanbul Hatirasi broadcasted in several festival in Turkey.  She then worked in the publishing business, then she worked in the translation in english and the transliteration of ottomans manuscrit.

Throughout her studies for a master in Germany, with a memoir focused on the Kurde transnational cinema. She participated on projects oriented around the question of the migration. She took part on a video workshop  on young migrants in Berlin, Later, she co-directed and edited the film Memories from a New Homeland (Erinenrungen an eine neue Heimat) supported by the Goethe Institute, and was broadcasted from Turkey to Germany .

Since 2011 , she wrote critics in a cinema magazine. Köy, « The village » is her first documentary project for TV.