This entire Web-site is the intellectual property of the company SaNoSi. Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution by any means, Of all or any element and information from this web-site is forbidden.

The company SaNoSi allows the users to download the files disposable from the links.

The reproduction and the exploitation of the informations (text, images and photos published by the company SaNoSi on their websites  is authorized to the private usage and not for the collective usage. (article L122-5 of the french Intellectual Property body of law).  Any representation and reproduction by any procedure. would be considered as a counterfeiting, a crime sanctioned by 3 years in  prison and a 300 000 € fine (articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.)

The informations that you communicate to us are for our exclusive use and will not be communicated to others.

In application of the law n°78-17 of January 6th regarding to data processing , For the files and liberties, You dispose of opposition rights, of access and rectification of datas concerning you. you can apply those rights with mail or E-mails.