Hermane Desorme is a couturier, poet and film director, born in Jacmel, south west of Haïti in 1988

2017 – GADE ! ,  SaNoSi Productions – Productions Fanal

2016 – Academic Drawing classes  at the center of Art of Port-au-Prince. (Le CENTRE D’ART)

2016 – Poetry and Slam lessons held by Saul Williams

2015 – Photo exhibition NOS HISTOIRES, in the French Guyane, held by  Chantier du Sud.

2014/2015 – Writers of documentary  in Residence program in the French Guyane dans for the international meeting of the Documentaries movies of the Amazonie Caraïbes zone , for « GADE ! »  and  « Tambour nan won».

2 Writers of documentary  in Residence programs at the fondation FOKAL – Connaissance et Liberté – held by the french film director Anna Gignon

2012 – Exhibitions of collective sculptures with Lissa Janot, Ronald Mevz, John Charles, at the Alliance Française de Jacmel, and at the  Galery Monin of Petion Ville.

2013 – Exhibitions 100% digital for the quinzaine de l’Europe du centre Africa-america.

2013 – co-director with  Maxaens Denis for the the short documentary film « Haïti royaume de ce monde », inspired by the great international exhibition of the same name.

2013 – Photo exhibition , Périphérique,  international meeting with 10 international photographer  including Paolo Woods , Josue Azor, Ishola Kopola.

2010 – Hermane graduated from Film School in Haïti at Jacmel CINE INSTITUTE

4th graduate  of the competition J’ai 20 ans dans mon Pays.

2009 –artistic director of the show Zombi-Zombie  at the  Festival Ghetto Biennale, la première biennale d’Art en Haïti.

2008 –  Sa w wè  at the festival transcultural of the cultural center Afrique-America with the collaboration of Maxsaence Denis, Jenny Mezil et Douglas Ewards .

2008 – Herman joins the Art center of Jacmel FOSAJ Where he creates his first artistic work like paintings or sculptures and start other artistic and professional formations. Those formations are going to make his participation to other exhibitions made by the cultural center possible.

Creator od the association Lakou, cultural association on the defense of the rights of the minority.

2007 – Creator of the theatrical troop  Zantray witch became an important cultural event at  Jacmel, with the troop he co-directed with the team of  Alliance Française of Jacmel a show called ‘Tambour nan won’’ around Haitian drums.



Haïti Royaume de ce monde, co-directed with  Maxence Denis

Short documentary « Haïti Royaume de ce monde »,  inspired by the great international exhibition of the same name. an exhibition  who travelled around the world Venise, Paris , Haiti …

Méli-Mélo, Fiction short film On the complexity of the religion in Haiti, Ciné Institute.

Miroir Blessé, short films on the difficulties of domesticated children in Haiti. Ciné Institute

Florence, une Femme pas comme les autres,  Short film on the life of prostitutes in Haïti. Ciné Institute